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Location : Description>Parameters


1、Level Type: Pressure level parameters

The following parameters are available on ten pressure levels (1000, 925, 850, 700, 500, 300, 200, 100, 50 and 10 hPa)

Name Abbreviation Unit Frequency
Geopotential height gh gpm Instantaneous once a day (00Z)
Temperature t K Instantaneous once a day (00Z)
U-velocity u m s-1 Instantaneous once a day (00Z)
V-velocity v m s-1 Instantaneous once a day (00Z)

The following parameters are available on seven pressure levels (1000, 925, 850, 700, 500, 300 and 200 hPa)

Name Abbreviation Unit Frequency
Specific humidity q kg kg-1 Instantaneous once a day (00Z)

The following parameter are available on 1 pressure level (500 hPa)

Name Abbreviation Unit Frequency
Vertical velocity w pa s-1 Instantaneous once a day (00Z)

2、Level Type: Potential temperature level parameterss

The following parameters are available on one potential temperature level (320 K)

Name Abbreviation Unit Frequency
Potential vorticity pv K m2 kg-1 s-1 Instantaneous once a day (00Z)

3、Level Type: Single-level parameters

The following parameters are available on single levels

Name Abbreviation Unit Frequency
10 metre u-velocity 10u m s-1 Instantaneous once a day (00Z)
10 metre v-velocity 10v m s-1 Instantaneous once a day (00Z)
CAPE cape J kg-1 Daily averaged
Skin temperature skt K Daily averaged
Snow depth water equivalent sd kg m-2 Daily averaged
Snow density rsn kg m-3 Daily averaged
Snow fall water equivalent sf kg m-2 Accumulated, archived every 24 hours
Snow albedo asn % Daily averaged
Soil moisture top 20cm sm20 kg m-3 Daily averaged
Soil moisture top 100 cm sm100 kg m-3 Daily averaged
Soil temperature top 20 cm st20 K Daily averaged
Soil temperature top 100 cm st100 K Daily averaged
Surface air maximum temperature mx2t6 K 6-hourly
Surface air minimum temperature mn2t6 K 6-hourly
Surface air temperature 2t K Daily averaged
Surface air dewpoint temperature 2d 2d Daily averaged
Sea surface temperature sst K Daily averaged
Sea surface temperature wtmp wtmp K Daily averaged
Sea ice cover ci proportion Daily averaged
Surface pressure sp Pa Instantaneous once a day (00Z)
Time-integrated top net thermal radiation ttr W m-2 s Accumulated, archived every 24 hours
Time-integrated surface latent heat flux slhf W m-2 s Accumulated, archived every 24 hours
Time-integrated surface net solar radiation ssr W m-2 s Accumulated, archived every 24 hours
Time-integrated surface net thermal radiation str W m-2 s Accumulated, archived every 24 hours
Time-integrated surface sensible heat flux sshf W m-2 s Accumulated, archived every 24 hours
Time-integrated surface solar radiation downwards ssrd W m-2 s Accumulated, archived every 24 hours
Time-integrated surface thermal radiation downwards strd W m-2 s Accumulated, archived every 24 hours
Total cloud cover tcc % Daily averaged
Total column water tcw kg m -2 Daily averaged
Total precipitation tp kg m-2 Accumulated, archived every 24 hours 6-hourly
Convective precipitation * cp kg m-2 Accumulated, archived every 24 hours
Northward turbulent surface stress * nsss N m-2 s Accumulated, archived every 24 hours
Eastward turbulent surface stress * ewss N m-2 s Accumulated, archived every 24 hours
Mean sea-level pressure msl Pa Instantaneous once a day (00Z)
Water runoff and drainage * ro kg m-2 Accumulated, archived every 24 hours
Surface water runoff * sro kg m-2 Accumulated, archived every 24 hours
Land sea mask lsm Proportion of land Instantaneous once a day (00Z)
Only control forecast
Orography orog gpm Instantaneous once a day (00Z)
Only control forecast
Soil type slt Categorical Instantaneous once a day (00Z)
Only control forecast